September 18, 2023

Bullfighter Jacket (D100 Fantasy Cloak Patches)

 This is a collection of d100 patches to be sewn onto your adventurer's cloak.

For those unfamiliar, in the sci-fi TTRPG Mothership every PC is given a patch sewn onto their coveralls. It does not have any explicit mechanical benefit but it adds so much flavor to your PC and how they present themselves to the world.

I want to have a fantasy equivalent of this, and from observing many character designs I have found a coverall's fantasy equal appears to be a nice cloak. I recommend you roll these at the beginning of character creation as Mothership does - as this allows players to speculate why their characters have these patches and what it says about their personality, past, occupation, etc.

If a cloak doesn't work, patches can always be sewn onto the pack your adventurers carry their beloved loot or used as tattoos for those who like commitment.

Without further ado:

D100 Patches
(Art by the brilliant Dominik Mayer)

  1. "Not A Mimic" (Arrow Pointing Up)
  2. "FIRST" (Hand Clenching Gold Coins)
  3. "Tread Lightly" (10 Foot Pole)
  4. "Flrghlrghhud" ("Fuck Off" In Goblin)
  5. "Stand Clear" (Fireball)
  6. Dark Shape With Three Red Eyes
  7. "Too Young To Die" (Cherub)
  8. "Manifesting" (Pile Of Gems)
  9. "Designated Lantern Boy"
  10. "GREETINGS, I AM:" (Character's Name)
  11. "We Come In Peace" (Praying Hands)
  12. "Chin Up, Soldier" (Torch With Halo)
  13. Goblin (Horribly Drawn)
  14. Grinning Moon
  15. "I'm Parched" (Potion)
  16. "Open Up" (Hand With Lockpicks For Fingers)
  17. "Approaching Rock Bottom" (Unlit Torch)
  18. "SEEK PHYSICAL PERFECTION" (Crossed Scimitars)
  19. "HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN?" (Person's Face)
  20. "No Rest For The Wicked"
  21. Plowshares (Crossed)
  22. Elf Ear (Bite Taken Out Of It)
  23. "Knock Knock" (Warhammer)
  24. "All Is Fair In Love And War" (Red Coins)
  25. Knotted Dwarven Beard, Shaped Into A Fist
  26. Rope Shaped Into Infinity
  27. "Halt!" (Tower Shield)
  28. "Don't Talk To Me Before I've Had My Ale"
  29. "Sticks And Stones / May Break My Bones / But Words Will Never Hurt Me"
  30. "KINGKILLER" (Flamberge)
  31. Symbol To An Obscure Deity
  32. Chess Pawn Carrying Banner
  33. "Zzz" (Shut Eye)
  34. Pinup Model (Barmaid)
  35. "Lucky Patch / DO NOT REMOVE"
  36. Knife Wedged Into A Human Spine
  37. Snake Eyes On Dice
  38. Ace Of Spades
  39. "Guide My Hand" (Constellation)
  40. A Fine-Print Description Of What To Do With Your Remains
  41. "Goo-Drinker" (Open Mouth)
  42. "First One In / Last One Out"
  43. Grocery List
  44. Jester Tripping
  45. "Dirty Worker" (Hand, Shovel, Heart)
  46. Self Portrait
  47. "Strength Is The Only Virtue" (A Dog Eating A Dog)
  48. Three Sunflowers
  49. "I'm Fine" (Face Wearing Mask)
  50. "The Gods Are Our Greatest Teachers" (Bruised Face Smiling)
  51. "Angel Of Death" (Halo Of Teeth)
  52. "Trust No One" (Deformed Human Figure)
  53. Hand With Six Curled Fingers
  54. Pinup Model (Dwarf)
  55. "Once Upon A Time..." (Blackletter)
  56. "Love Thy Brother" (Two Fawns Sleeping)
  57. "Live Free Die Young" (Dancing Skeleton)
  58. "Hardly Broke A Sweat" (Dragon Skull)
  59. "Too Old For This Shit"
  60. "All Mine!" (Hissing Cat)
  61. "Don't Bother Me, I'm Pondering" (Orb)
  62. "Take Me Away From Here" (Boat)
  63. Pinup Model (Holding Knife Behind Back)
  64. "All Shall Be Revealed In Time" (Open Spellbook)
  65. Portrait (Player Character's Mother)
  66. "In Need Of Repair"
  67. "Omens Abound" (Ravens)
  68. "Keep Talking And Nobody Dies"
  69. "I Want To Have Fuck With You"
  70. "Never Forget" (Person's Portrait)
  71. "Upstart Hero" (Knight Helm)
  72. Ship In A Bottle
  73. Portrait (Indescribably Grotesque)
  74. "Give Me Money / Give Me Love"
  75. Pinup Model (Blushing Noble)
  76. "Don't Die On Me"
  78. Horse (Horribly Drawn)
  79. "Think Outside The Box" (Gelatinous Cube)
  80. Three Names (One Crossed Off)
  81. "Death Comes Faster Than The Realization"
  82. "Stay Alive At All Costs" (Amputee Adventurer)
  84. A Folkloric Hero
  85. Crown Atop A Throne
  86. "Powered By Ale"
  87. "The Dungeon IS My Home" (Sad Adventurer)
  88. "NOPE."
  89. "Out Of My Sight, Insect"
  90. "Sorry, Mom / Sorry, Dad"
  91. "MEAT SHIELD" (Scarred Muscles)
  92. Obscure Country's Flag
  93. "PROPERTY OF:" (Another Character's Name)
  94. "Made You Look" (Laughing Man)
  95. "It's The Thought That Counts" (Lit Lantern)
  96. "If You Are Reading This / I Love You"
  97. "Stop Touching My Shit"
  98. "Help Wanted"
  99. "Next One's On Me" (Raised Tankard)
  100. "Victory Is Ours!" (Merry Band Of Adventurers)

Closing Thoughts

You can always roll these up for rival adventuring parties to get a better hold of their personalities or just have an identifying feature that is a little more strange.

Obviously using patches will immediately give your game a bit more of a "punk" flavoring and make your PCs view themselves as more scrappy. Many of these are a little goofy because adventurers are an weird lot and patches are often made to be quirky. If you're running a campaign for more dignified folks, you can always use banners or family crests instead.

Additionally, put enough of the same patch on people of similar beliefs and you may have a guild or secret society forming. Perhaps "Designated Lantern Boy" patch is something given by the Lantern Boy Union - premium dungeon fodder who demand pesky things like worker's rights. Let the free association flow - run wild.

September 17, 2023

Eyes of the Hidden

 This is a table of d6 x d20 sixth senses all adventurers may have.

As a reminder to potential aliens or gelatinous cubes in the audience, all senses give information, just through different ways. With this in mind, this table is divided into two pieces. Roll 1d6 on the first table to get the way something is sensed, and 1d20 on the second table to get the information sensed. Combine the two results for fun and profit:

5/6ths Of The Way To True Attunement
(Art by the wonderful Konstantin Vavilov)

If you...
  1. See something very closely
  2. Smell something
  3. Taste something
  4. Touch something
  5. Hear something
  6. Read about something
... you can intuitively determine...
  1. Who created it
  2. Its exact weight and height
  3. Its name (not true name) and any nicknames
  4. Its purpose and its thoughts on the meaning of life
  5. If it is magical (not how, just if)
  6. If it is cursed or blessed
  7. What diseases it carries
  8. Its greatest deed
  9. Its most shameful secret
  10. How many lives it has taken
  11. Its closest friend
  12. Its worst enemy
  13. Its strongest desire
  14. Its worst fear
  15. Any languages it speaks
  16. Where and when it was created
  17. Everything it has done in the past hour in chronological order
  18. Its recurring dreams
  19. Its exact monetary value
  20. Its emotional value to its owner (if it has an owner)

Closing Thoughts
I find that gifting these senses to adventurers can be done in three fun ways:
  • Through magical or alchemic mutation. This is obvious but also a tried and true classic.
  • Through birth. Perhaps if you have these senses, you are bound for the grim gold-laden path of being an adventurer. This obviously has implications on your setting.
  • After your first successful adventure. Perhaps the dungeon changes you and you leave with a piece of the Mythic Underworld with you. If you want to go real crazy, roll a new sense each level-up.
Odd scenarios will arise when your player asks you "I lick the mushroom, who is its closest friend?" Feel free to give an odd response back like "Sarro Fogmoon, Druid of the Stonewood, Ally of All Things Fungal and Creeping". Giving information like this is a great way to plant adventure seeds and give information about the mechanics and places of your world at large.

Although, you don't need to give some groundbreaking information through these senses all the time. Perhaps the answer to "I lick the mushroom, who is its closest friend?" is "I don't know, it's a mushroom, most mushrooms don't have friends,"

To cut the work on yourself, you don't need to describe every instance of when something is tasted, touched, smelled, etc. Only give out this information when a player asks for it and takes the appropriate action with the appropriate sense deliberately. Additionally, make sure that the players know that you will not be automatically describing whether every meal they eat is magical and whatnot and that they must explicitly ask if they wish to receive information.

Feel free to add to the list. Nothing is stopping you from putting "Kill something", "Kiss something" or even "Prank something" on the d6 list, or "Its response to the trolley problem", "Who it has romantic feelings for" or "The last lie it told" on the d20 list as well. Just be aware that these will often be more specific than the classic few senses listed up there and it will also encourage your players to interact with the world in certain ways.