This is an extensive list of magical robes. For how much the wizard's whole thing is wielding lots of magical knicks and knacks, I feel that robes are rarely on lists of magical items. Let's change that.
Three assumptions about robes first:
- They are flashy. No matter what form they come in, they make a bold statement - it's obvious that you are a Wizard. +1 to reaction rolls with other wizardly types and those of high society.
- They are worn over other clothing or lighter armors. This means that they are not concealable while worn in a way other worn items may be.
- They are large, as such they take up an inventory slot but do not provide armor. They can be used as a full blanket in a pinch and can completely obscure your figure if you cover yourself.
Cloaks are for Thieves, who must blend with the shadows and pick people off with subtlety. Robes are for Wizards, who float five feet off the ground and shoot lightning out of their eyeballs. I tried to make most of these robes with this sort of very active and odd approach to problem-solving that Wizards tend to have.
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One Could Argue Wizards Are Demons... (By Jun Suemi) |
- Mauve with a leathery black winged pattern. Cover yourself and turn into a swarm of bats until you next touch sunlight.
- Off-white with chalky red botanical patterns. Cover yourself and you will be disguised as a patch of mushrooms until you move.
- Pure silver sheen, makes a sound like nails on chalkboard while touching the ground. The edges are serrated, whip the robes around and you can damage all nearby enemies (and allies, including yourself) with damage as a shortsword.
- White with hideous brown blotches. Continually flap it for a minute and take flight - you look exceedingly strange while doing this.
- Like a fabric mirror. Reflects any magic that hits its exterior.
- Blue with a black tentacle pattern. While wrapped firmly over someone's head (successful grapple), you have control over their arms.
- Black with glowing yellow fractures. Whip it at someone to shoot a lightning bolt at them. 1d6 charges, the last charge will hit you, let the player know the effect but keep the charge count hidden from them.
- Countless shades of off-brown, pocket-laden and ugly. Store things in the pockets, whip the robe and all objects stored in the pockets will be launched in that direction at exceedingly high speeds.
- Red with moving orange blotches. The exterior side of this robe is the temperature of a wildfire - heatwaves and ashes roll off your shoulders like dandruff.
- A pale skin tone freckled with brown spots. The faces of anybody you kill with this robe on will appear on its inside, still conscious and able to talk.
- Black with yellow stripes, vibrates uncomfortably. Tear these robes to unleash 10d100 angry bees from its threads and seams. The robes can be sewn back together and torn again for the same effect.
- A pleasant blue with white blotches, inconveniently large. These robes always float to the top of water and can steadily support the weight of up to two people while resting on the water.
- A finely woven tapestry fitted into robe form. The tapestry will rearrange itself to show the wearer's greatest achievements.
- White, pocked with woven red mouths. The inside of these robes emanate a frightening choral scream, temporarily deafening anyone who witnesses its interior layer.
- Bedsheet white with two circular holes round the shoulders. Throw it in the air and it animates, floating and causing as much mischief as it can. It does not listen to your commands but will fall back to the ground as an inanimate robe if you shout "ENOUGH!"
- A scintillating blue interior and orange exterior. Lay it flat against a surface, step through, and you will arrive at the other side.
- Gold with intricate silver floral patterns. This robe and its wearer are incapable of getting dirty - all filth within an arm's reach retreats.
- Luxurious velvet with silver food patterns. The inside of these robes are lined with teeth that devour anybody and anything that dares wear it.
- White with bronze clockwork patterns. Snap and the robe freezes in space and time, unable to be moved or damaged in any way until you snap again or let it out of your sight.
- Yellow with orange sunbeam patterns. The inside of these robes shed natural sunlight with such intensity that anybody who peers at its interior layer is temporarily blinded.
- Blue with pale swirling patterns. Whip the robes and produce a strong directional gust of wind that could blow down a wooden door.
- Orange with brown hexagons. Lie down and cover yourself, the robes will harden like iron until you next move. The robes do not allow any harm or air inside.
- Aggressive poison-frog red. Throw these robes and shout "BEGONE!" - the robes will turn into a high-level Fireball aimed at the direction you threw them. The robes are incinerated in the process.
- Grey with spots of orange, black, and white. Shake the robes and 1d6 cats fall out - they do not have any affection toward you whatsoever. Tear the robes and a lion claws its way out of the seams.
- Brown with dripping golden yellow streaks, a patchwork pelt hood. When the hood is up, your head becomes that of a random animal sewn into the hood.
- Blue with shifting black splotches. Limbs that these robes are wrapped firmly around fall asleep. Wrap it around a head and the entire person falls asleep.
- Solid silver sheen. The exterior is VERY magnetically attractive, the interior layer is VERY repellent.
- Disgusting - a tan skintone with a large mouth on the exterior and a large mouth on the inside. The robes are sentient and very knowledgeable in topics arcane - one side always lies and one side always tells the truth. The robes cannot see and have little patience for trivial questions.
- A pleasant green with verdant blue blotches. If you are knocked unconscious while wearing these robes, the robes will control your body and clumsily try to flee any danger.
- Silver like tinfoil. These robes and their wearer are unaffected by gravity. Secure the robes to something lest they float away unsupervised.
- Rich purple with smirking cherubic faces. Sleep with these robes on and you shall perish. The next person who wears these robes will be possessed by you. If the robes are ever removed from them, they perish too.
- Imperial blue with golden cornucopia patterns. Soak the robes in something and wring them out. The robes will never dry, continually producing whatever material you soaked them in. Wringing is slightly disgusting and extremely physically taxing.
- Tan with frayed white threads. With a whistle the robes will tie themselves into whatever configuration you desire.
- Pale red with tan stripes. While the sleeves are rolled up, your hands turn to hammers. It is hard to roll them back down with hammers-for-hands.
- Pale white with cloudy purple blotches. The insides of these robes pour out a slow but constant stream of fog, a minor hallucinogen. When torn, produce a massive cloud of fog, all inside save or hallucinate.
- Blue with pleasant brown swirls. Twirl in these robes and disappear, arriving back home (wherever that may be). The robes do not travel with you.
- Jet black. While wearing the robes you are invisible - the robes are not.
- Green with thorny brown patterns. When thrown to the floor these robes instantly turn into a patch of thick grasping vines. When it touches its owner it reverts back to its original state.
- Baby blue with ridiculously long 6' sleeves. While wearing the robes, your arms temporarily grow to fit the length of the sleeves.
- Crimson with silver wineglass patterns. The insides of these robes leak a constant trail of blood. Besides the blood type being O negative, no other magical properties.
- Orange with red triangles. Attempt to smother a fire with this and it will grow twice the size and intensity. The robes are flameproof.
- Black with white accents. While the hood is up all noises you make are magnified ten times. While the hood is down they are reduced by the same amount.
- Extraordinarily plain white, extraordinarily comfy. Sleeping in these grants advantage to all tests of willpower the following day. Sleep in these three times and you will become a copy of the robes.
- Purple with blue hand patterns. While laying back and lounging, you float 5' off the ground. Any violent or quick action sends you plummeting down.
- Purple with yellow gradient. Anyone who wears this can disguise themselves at will as anybody else who has ever worn these robes in the past.
- Green with off-white diamonds. Wring the robes and they turn into a large snake under your control. Wring the snake and it turns back into robes.
- Green with vomit grey-yellow blotches. Shouting "SUFFER!" shall make the robes turn into highly corrosive acid. Shouting "RISE!" shall make them re-materialize back into robes.
- Purple with black snake-tongue patterns, many pockets. On command all stored liquids in the robes pockets will shoot out of the cuffs as solidified darts.
- Black and white zigzags. Lay these robes across a wall - you and the robes shall become two-dimensional as if painted on the wall.
- Black with a strange red emblem. Cover a body with the robes and wait - in one night the body will disappear, robes still present over the site of disappearance. Nobody knows where this goes, only one way to find out.
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